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  • Title

    Study on loading monitoring of side guard plate powered support of fully-mechanized top coal caving mining in high inclined thick seam

  • 作者


  • Author

    Yun Dongfeng Liu Zhu Cheng Wendong Fan Zhendong Wang Dongfang su Puzheng Meng Xiaojun Zhang Yuanhao

  • 单位


  • Organization
    School of Energy.Xian University of Science and Technology MOE Key Lab of Mining and Disaster Prevention and Control in West China Mine School of Architecture and Civil Engineering,Xian University of Science and Technology Huating Coal Group Company Limited
  • 摘要
    为评价东峡煤矿大倾角厚煤层37220-2综放工作面支架侧护板的适应性,通过对侧护板载荷进行现场监测,得到侧护板载荷特征。监测结果显示,大倾角厚煤层综放开采时,支架侧护板载荷通常在200 k N以下,工作面来压期间侧护板载荷高达1 000 k N。监测分析结果表明:大倾角煤层液压支架侧护板不仅起到密闭防止架间漏矸的作用,而能起到调架和防止支架下滑和倾倒的作用;37220-2工作面综放支架侧护板采用100 mm大缸径侧护千斤顶基本能有效地发挥调护作用。
  • Abstract
    in order to evaluate the suitability of the side guard plate in the hydraulic powered support of No.37220-2 fully-mechanized top coal caving mining face in a high inclined thick seam of Dongxia Mine, with th site monioring and measuring on the loading of the side guard plae the loading features of the side guard plavewere obtained.The monitoring and measuring result showed that during thefully mechanized top cal caving mining in the igh incli ne thick seam,theloading of theside guard plate in the powered support generaly would be below 20o k N and the loading of the side guard plate would be 1 .0 k N during the mine stra a weighting ,erod of the coal mining face. The monitorng and measuring analysi resuts showed that the side guard plate ofthe powered suppor in the igh inclined seam woud not oniy have a seaing function to prevent the rok waste eakage and but more important t have a function to adjust the powered support and to prevent the sliding and toplig of the powered support,Al 100 mmlarge diameter side guard ram of the powered support in Nc.3720-2 coal mining face couldbasically and ffectively pay the adjustment and guard function.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    high inclination; thick seam; hydraulic powered caving support; loading of side guard plate;

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
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