• 全部
  • Title

    Features and causes of coal measures fluid pressure in Tucheng Syncline Songhe Block of western Guizhou

  • 作者


  • Author

    Wu Congcong Lin Xiaoying Yang Zhaobiao Jin Jun Zhang Zhengguang

  • 单位


  • Organization
    School of Resources and Geosciences, China University of Mining and Technology Key Laboratory of Coallbed Methane Resources and Reservoir Formation Process, Ministry of Education School of Energy Science and Engineering, Henan Polytechnic University Guizhou Provincial Research Center of coalbed Methane and Shale Gas Engineering and Technology
  • 摘要
    为了得到黔西土城向斜松河区块煤系流体压力特征及成因,利用视储层压力法、注入压降试井法和测井曲线解释法对研究区压力特征进行预测,并着重从构造条件及地应力、顶底板岩性、煤系地下水动力场特征和"三史"演化4个方面探讨了区块压力成因机制。研究表明:松河井田在110 m以浅压力偏低;110~560 m压力正常;560 m以深异常高压。正断层发育和燕山晚期地壳构造抬升是造成浅部地层压力偏低的主要原因;构造应力造成的煤层渗透率低、煤层顶底板良好的封盖作用、龙潭煤系较弱的地下水动力条件和古地质历史时期欠压实和生烃共同作用下导致了井田560 m以深煤储层异常高压。
  • Abstract
    In order to have the features and causes of the coal measures fluid pressure in Tucheng Syncline Songhe Block of West Guizhou,a visualized reservoir p ressure method, injection pressure drop test well method and logging curve explanation method were applied to the prediction on the pressure features of the study block. And the pressure causes mechanism of the block were discussed from the structure condition and geostress, floor and roof lithology, dynamic field features of the coal measures underground water and"three histories"evolutions. The study showed that the pressure at 110 m of Songhe Minefield was too low, the pressure at 110~560 m of the Minefield was normal and the pressure at 560 m of the minefield was abnormally high. The normal fault development and the tectonic uplift of Yanshan late cru st were the major causes to make the shallow strata pressure too low. The low permeability of the seam caused by the tectonic stress, the excellent sealing function oft he seam roof and floor, the dynamic condition of Longtan coal measure low underground water and the uncompaction and the hydrocarbon generation joint functions in t he Palaeogeologic historic period made the abnormal high pressure in the coal reservoir at 560 m of the Minefield.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    Songhe Minefield; coal measures fluid pressure; forecast of pressure features; pressure causes mechanism;

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
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