• 全部
  • Title

    Design and application on long conveying distance belt conveyor in main adit

  • 作者


  • Author

    Yang Fuzhen Bai Xiao Yang Qingxiang

  • 单位


  • Organization
    China Coal Xi'an Design Engineering Company Limited Wangjialing Mine ,Shanxi China Coal Huajin Energy Company Limited
  • 摘要
    针对长运距大型带式输送机运距长,线路较复杂等问题,以国内单部最长运距为12.8 km的王家岭煤矿主平硐带式输送机为研究对象,介绍了大型带式输送机动态分析、"头三尾一"的多点驱动、高压多电平变频调速驱动、多点布置中继线和光缆总线等关键技术与创新,指出了试生产期间的主要运行指标与理论动态分析的主要差异,同时,针对设计中存在的主要技术问题,提出长运距带式输送机宜在回程带面加设输送带翻转装置,长运距大型带式输送机宜在头部驱动滚筒加设逆止器等解决方案。经实践结果表明,在矿井主运输系统设计中综合运用以上技术措施,可有效确保主平硐带式输送机的安全可靠运行,并为长运距大型带式输送机设计提供理论技术支持。
  • Abstract
    According to a long conveying distance,completed route and other problems of the long conveying distance large belt conveyor,in combined with a belt conveyor with domestic single unit max long distance of 12.8 km in the main adit of Wangjialing Mine as a study object,the paper introduced the dynamic analysis on the large belt conveyor,multi driving with " three driving heads and one tail" ,high voltage multi level frequency conversion driving,multi distributed relay lines and optical bus line as well as the key technology and innovation. The paper pointed out the main difference between the major operation index during the trial production period and theoretical dynamic analysis. Meanwhile , according to the main technical problems existed in the design,the proposed that the long conveying distance belt conveyor should have a belt tipping device for the retuning belt surface and should have abackstop set on the driving drum at the head of the conveyor and solutions. The practice results showed that the above technical measures comprehensively applied to the design of the mine main conveying system could effectively ensure the safety and reliable operation of the belt conveyor applied in t he main adit and could provide the theoretical and technical support to the design of the long conveying distance large belt conveyor.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    long conveying distance; belt conveyor; frequency control; main adit;

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