• 全部
  • Title

    Remote control technology of high wall mining retained coal resources in surface mine

  • 作者


  • Author

    Hao Jianping Zhang Zhenglin Liu Jianguo Zhang Cun Wang Fangtian

  • 单位


  • Organization
    Ordos Wulan Coal Group Company Limited School of Mines,China University of Mining and Technology
  • 摘要
    端帮开采技术有利于露天煤矿端帮、山坡露头及浅地表等处煤的开采,使用常规技术开采不经济,为最大限度地将露天矿端帮煤炭资源安全高效采出,结合特拉布拉露天煤矿端帮煤层地质条件,采用FLAC3D软件模拟分析了不同煤柱宽度时塑性区发育特征。理论分析结合现场试验结果表明:确定了合理的公路下部煤柱宽度为1.7 m,公路外侧边坡下煤柱宽度为1.3 m。现场采用EBH132悬臂式掘进机进行了远程控制开采试验,人员工效为17.6 t/(工·d),端帮滞留煤炭资源采出率在67%以上,实现了露天矿端帮滞留煤炭资源安全高效开采。
  • Abstract
    A high wal mining fechnology would be favorable to mine retained coal in the high wall of the surface mine,outcrop on the hillside,shallow seam and other seam uneconomic mined by the conventional technology. In order to maximallysafely and high efficiently excavate the calresources in the high wall of the surface mine,in combination with the geological conditions of the seam in the highwall of Tela Bula Surface Mine.the FLAC~(3D)software was applied to simulate and analyze the development features of the plastic zone when the coal plla width was diferent. The theoretical analysis combined with the site experiment study showed that the rational coal pilar width under the road was determined to be1.7 m and the coal pillar width under the slope at a side of the road was determined to be 1.3 m.The EBH132 boom type roadheader was appliedto a remote controlled mining trial at the site. The resulis showed that the personnel working efficiency was 17.6 tday per man ,the recovery rateof the coal resources left in the highwall was over 67% and the safety and high efficient mining of the retained coal resources left in the high-waof the surface mine was realized.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    shallow depth seam; high wall mining; coal pillar stability; remote control;safety and high

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
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