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  • Title

    Pressure released and outburst prevention technology of seam gateway driving in deep single serious outburst seam

  • 作者


  • Author

    Meng Xianzheng Wang Zhonghua Chen Guohong Zhang Yongjiang

  • 单位


  • Organization
    National Key Lab of Gas Disaster Detecting,Preventing and Emergency Gas ResearchInstitute,Chongqing Research Institute,China Coal Technology Engineering Group
  • 摘要
    为消除深部单一严重突出煤层煤巷掘进的突出危险,理论分析了深部煤巷突出的复合能量及力学特点,提出了预掘底板岩巷卸压防突技术;结合丰城矿区实际,采用数值模拟方法确定了预掘底板卸压岩巷布置在待掘煤巷正下方8~12 m处。实践表明:预掘底板岩巷卸压防突效果显著,围岩最大位移为4.1 cm,围岩出现分区破裂现象,破裂区一般为4个;每米钻孔瓦斯初始流量、煤层透气性系数可达原始煤层的14.39、55.70倍,瓦斯抽采浓度提高近5倍,单孔抽采量提高近10倍;煤巷效检指标无超标现象,煤巷掘进速度由40 m/月提高到100 m/月,实现了煤巷安全快速掘进,对类似条件矿井具有重要借鉴意义。
  • Abstract
    in order to eliminate the outburst danger of a mine seam gateway driving in the deep mine single serious outburst seam,the paper theoreticaly analyzed the outurst composite energy and mechanics features of the deep seam gateway and provided the pressure released and outburst prevention techncology of the pre-heading foor rock roadway.The numerical simulation in combination with the actual Fengcheng Mining Area was applied to determine the pre-heading floor rock roadway should be located at 8~ 12 m underneath practices showed that the pressure released and outburst prevention effect of the pre-heading foor rock roadiway was remarkable the max displacement of the surrounding rock was 4.1 cm,the parttion cracking phenomenon occurred in the surrounding rock and there were four cracking zones generally. The initial gas flow of per meter borehole and the permeability coeficient of the seam could be 14.39 and 5.70 times higher than te insitu seam,the gas drainage density was improved by 5 times and the gas drainage volume of a single borehole was improved by 10 times.There was no over linit phenomenon occurred in the effective inspection index of the seam gateway.the driving speed of the seam gateway was improved from 40 m/month to 100 m/month and the safety and rapid drving of the seam gateway was realized,and could provide important referencesignificances to the mines with the similar conditions.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    single serious outburst seam; deep seam gateway outburst,composite energy,pre-heading floor rock roadway, pressure releasedand outburst prevention;

  • 基金项目(Foundation)

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