• 全部
  • Title

    Fine description of coal reservoir in southern Qinshui Basin based on X-CT technology

  • 作者


  • Author

    Tang ShulingTang Dazhen Tao Shu Meng Yanjun Fang Yuan Li Ling

  • 单位


  • Organization
    School of Energy Resources,China University of Geosciences (Beijing)
  • 摘要
  • Abstract
    based on the X. T tfechmology withe characercaton on the devlopment features of the pore cacks and mineral in th diferet tholypecoal esevorthecoalfabrit was analyes th coal and rckrmass vsealraton and lDreonstoutionwere estabisted an a ime desciption was conducted on No.3 se am and No.15 sam in outhen ishui Besin .The rsuts showe thatin th .ififrentlt otype samples the CT numter would edfifrentan thedvelopmentofthe porecracks and mineral woud ave a god aw.The average Ci porosiy andthemineal onlemn of th fises wouid have agood corelaton to the average CT umte ofthe slcs /n corelato wththe X.CTexperiment result f the to seans the average CT numver of No. 3 seam woud b less then No.15 seam.Thereore th inocganc comporentconent ofN .3 scam was low and the pore cacks were el eveloye d An threwererelativly hgh inoganm: minerals cxistd in No.15 seam. The CT number of N 3 sam was vey por and th standard devialion an thevaraton c ricent would al e hger thnANb.‘'5 scanm.The aboveshowed ththe iniemogeneity in No. 3 seam was higher than No.15 seam.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    x-CT technology;lithotype; coal reservoir;CT number; 3D reconstruction; southern Qinshui Basin;

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • 相关文章

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