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  • Title

    Li HuiZhou Jianming Liu Gang Yang Shi Xiao Cuiwei Niu Fang

  • 作者


  • Author

    Li HuiZhou Jianming Liu Gang Yang Shi Xiao Cuiwei Niu Fang

  • 单位


  • Organization
    China Coal Research Institute Company Limited State Key Laboratory of Coal Mining and Clean Utilization National Key Lab of Energy and Coal High Efficient Uitilization and Energy Saving and Emission Reduction Technology and Equipment
  • 摘要
  • Abstract
    in ovder o frter impove th stagedair combusion fechmogy and o edc:e th NODemission of the pulveired coal frd inustialboiegin the self esablisted '1D dop-ube bolrsysem ,the puiveized coal stagedair combusion and th non staed ain combustonfests ware condocted. T e paper had a suory on the excessiv ain e rsteth emperatwreof he pimay combusion zone and the seconday af pecentage afifcted to the NOxemsin lan Th test result showed ht wnen th Ln sa edair onbusion ape edthe xcessivean cv fintwoudte the same anth NOmemiss on conertration woub be intreased ih th lemperatre of the.primay combuston zon e ose The temperature of the primary combustion zone woudbe the samean the NOemiss on concentraton woul be inveasedwiththai excssve coefrintincezsed. he th staged an combuston apol t,the seconday ir prc entage would be the sam ith he lemecatreof h primay conbustion zone incesed and the AOxenmssion concehtratonwould b fitiy nceased and then derveased. lci n th emperaure f the primay cone was the sam withth seonday ar eceneare derveased.the NODemiss on cone ntraton wou dfirt educed andlater inivesed and the seconday ir perc enage derese the NoOxenmsin :oncentaton woul erfrsly derease andlae rose W"%en the seconday ir prc antage was 0.56.the NOxemiss on concentraton waud be the lowest n the bumotrae of h uvered ceal woud be 98.14% in max.In comparison with the non staged-air combustion,the NOxremoval rate would be 80%
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    Keyword : industrial boiler; pulverized coal combustion;NOx emission;NOx removal; staged-air combustion;

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
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