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  • Title

    Resistance- capacitance simulation test on double frequency induced polarization prediction of water- bearing geological structure in seam gateway

  • 作者


  • Author

    LIU Zhi-min LIU Xi-gao ZHANG Jin-tao ZHOU You LYU Yi-ming WU Miao

  • 单位


  • Organization
    China University of Mining and Technology ( Beijing) Hebei University of Engineering
  • 摘要
    为研究煤巷含水地质构造双频激电探测中的频域激发极化特性变化规律,指导动态电场激励法开展煤矿井下工业性试验。据面极化体激发极化机理,分析煤巷围岩介质激电效应等效电路,搭建含水地质构造物理模型等效的阻容网络。根据给定参数的简易阻容模型激电效应试验与理论计算结果,确定最佳探测模拟测试方案,模拟不同规模含水地质构造激电效应探测过程。结果表明:当测量电极靠近含水异常体时,视电阻率逐渐减小,而视幅频率逐渐变大;当异常体规模由大变小时,在相同测点处视幅频率减小,而视电阻率增大,当测点距异常体2 m处,测得的视幅频率由11.68%变为9.35%,而视电阻率由312.07Ω·m变为320.37Ω·m,即视幅频率对异常体规模变化更为敏感。
  • Abstract
    In order to Analysis a variation law of the induced polarization features of the water bearing geological structure in the mine seam gateway and to guide a d ynamic electric field method applied to an industrial trial in an underground mine ,an induced polarization mechanism of a surface polarization body was applied to analyze t he induced effect equivalent circuit of the surrounding rock medium in the mine seam gateway and to establish an equivalent resistance- capacitance network of the water bearing geological structure physical model. According to the results between the induced effect test of the simple resistance- capacitance model with the given parameters and the theoretical calculation,an optimal detection simulation test plan was determined and different scale induced effect detection process of the water bearing geological structure was simulated. The results showed that when the measuring electrode was close to a water- bearing abnormal mass,the apparent resistivity value would be stead ily reduced and the apparent amplitude frequency value would be steadily increased.When the abnormal mass scale was varied from large to smal,the apparent amplitude frequency value at the same measuring point would be reduced and the apparent resistivity value would be increased. At a location when a measuring point with a distance of 2 m to the abnormal mass,the apparent amplitude frequency measured would be varied from 11. 68% to 9.35% ,the apparent resistivity would be varied from 312. 07 Q. m to 320. 37 A:m and the apparent amplitude frequency value would be more sensitive to the scale variation of the abnormal mass.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    water-bearing geological structure; double frequency induced polarization effect; physical model; resistance-capacitance model;

  • 基金项目(Foundation)

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