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  • Title

    Study on Development and Separation Performances of Carbon Molecular Sieve Applied to Coalbed Methane Purification

  • 作者


  • Author

    Zhang Jinhua

  • 单位


  • Organization
    Beijing Research Institute of Coal Chemistry, China Coal Research Institute Company Limited Beijing Key Lab of
    Coal Based Energy Conservation and Environment Protective Carbon Material National Key Lab of Coal Mining
    and Clean Utilization
  • 摘要
    以无烟煤为原料,采用一步炭化-气相碳沉积工艺制备了煤层气提纯用碳分子筛,研究了碳沉积时间对碳分子筛分离性能的影响。用CO2吸附(273 K)和电子天平分别对样品的孔结构参数和气体吸附能力进行了表征,测试了变压吸附装置对样品的CH4/N2混合体系的分离性能,并和商品碳分子筛进行了对比,研究结果表明:碳沉积时间为60 min时,制备的碳分子筛性能较好,经济性最优,验证了0.4~0.7 nm的孔结构是影响碳分子筛表现出CH4/N2位阻效应的主要因素,同时发现0.8~1.5 nm的孔及总孔孔容是影响碳分子筛处理原料气能力的重要因素。
  • Abstract
    Based on anthracite coal as a raw material, one step carbonization-a air phase carbon deposition technique was applied to prepare a carbon molecular s ieve for the coalbed methane purification and to study the carbon deposition time affected to the separation performances of the carbon molecular sieve. The CO2adsor ption ( 273 K) and an electronic balance were applied to the representation of the sample pore structure parameters and gas adsorption capacity individually, to the sep aration performances of the pressure varied adsorption device to the sample CH4/ N2 mixed system and a comparison was conducted with the commercial carbon mole cular sieve. The study results showed that when the carbon deposition time was 60 min, the performances of the carbon molecular sieve prepared would be good and t he economy would be optimum. A0.4 ~ 0.7 nm pore structure would be the main factor affected to the CH4/ N2 resistance effect of the carbon molecular sieve as verif ied and meanwhile a0. 8~ 1.5 nm pore and total pore volume would be the main factor affected to the capacity of the carbon molecular sieve to treat the raw material gas.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    coalbed methane; carbon molecular sieve; pressure varied adsorption; carbon deposition; anthracite coal; CH4/ N2 separation;

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
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