• 全部
  • Title

    Study on geological features and support technology of high stress-jointed complex type soft rock roadway

  • 作者


  • Author

    Zhu Ge Zhang Zhicheng Li Pinghu Mu Wenping Zhang Lianjie Wu Xiong

  • 单位


  • Organization
    Beijing Key Lab of Water Resources and Environment Engineering,China University of Geosciences (Beiing) Wuhan
    Geomatic Institute Tianjin Institute of Geotechnical Investigation and Surveying
  • 摘要
  • Abstract
    In order to solve the high deformation and difficult support problems of surrounding rock in soft rock roadway occurred during the mining process of deep mi ne in Hebi Mining Area,with engineering geological condition investigation,indoor test and other means,the engineering geological features of soft rock roadway in Hebi Min ing Area were analyzed and the deformation mechanics mechanism of soft surrounding rock was obtained. In combination with the " key position" coupling support theory a nd computer numerical simulation technology,the soft roadway was supported mainly with bolt I steel mesh I shotcreting and anchor and site monitoring,measuring and eva luation were conducted on the support effect. The study showed that the surrounding rock of roadway in Hebi Mining Area was high stress- jointed type soft rock. The comp lex deformation failure mechanics mechanism was jointly consisted of joint,molecular water absorption swelling,colloid swelling,gravity stress and engineering excavation( Type I ABIBDID). In the bolt/steel mesh/shotcreting + anchor support method applied to the design,the stress distribution of support mass was even and the stress conc entration zone scope and the rock deformation were both smaller. After support engineering completed,the site monitored and measured data showed that under the suppo rt condition,the deformation of mine roadway was in stabillization after 15 days of the excavation. After 30 days of the excavation,the deformation rate was 0 and the total d eformation value was not over 40 mm. Thus the support status was excellent and the stability of soft rock roadway could be ensured.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    high stress-jointed complex type soft rock; deformation mechanics mechanism; bolt 1 shotcreting support; surrounding rock;

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • 相关专题

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