• 全部
  • Title

    Evaluation on heat strain of mine worker in high temperature and high humidity mine

  • 作者


  • Author

    Wu Jiansong Fu Ming Tong Xing Song Huaitao Kong Song

  • 单位


  • Organization
    School of Resources and Safety Engineering,China University of Mining and Technology (Beijing) Hefei Institute for
    Public Security Research,Tsinghua University
  • 摘要
    为评价矿井高温高湿环境对工作人员的影响,采用暖体出汗假人和人工环境舱对高温煤矿工作服套装的热阻和湿阻进行了测量,并对考虑风速和人体移动影响的矿服套装动态热阻和湿阻进行了计算与修正,以测量和修正的煤矿工作服套装热阻和湿阻对预测热应激(PHS)模型相关输入参量和计算方法进行了改进。基于改进的PHS模型,对多种热湿工况下矿工热生理反应进行了计算分析,并选取人体直肠温度和出汗量作为主要热安全评价指标,分析确定了高温煤矿多种热湿工况下矿工可接受的最长暴露工作时间。研究结果表明:28℃以下且相对湿度不高于90%的热湿环境下,通过加大井下风速,可有效延长矿工可接受最长暴露工作时间,但当井下风速超过2 m/s后可接受最长暴露工作时间变化幅度较小。
  • Abstract
    In order to evaluate the effects of high temperature and high humidity environment on mine worker,the thermal insulation and evaporative resistance of high temperature mine uniform were measured with the applications of a sweating thermal manikin and an artificial environment chamber. In consideration of the influence of air velocity and human body movement,the dynamic thermal insulation and evaporative resistance of mine uniform were calculated and corrected. The related parameters and calculation method of Predicted Heat Strain( PHS) model were improved with the measured and corrected thermal insulation and evaporative resistance of mine uniform.Ba sed on the improved PHS model,heat physiological responses of miners were calculated and analyzed under a variety of hot and humid conditions. With human rectal temp erature and sweating amount collected as the major evaluation index of heat safety,the maximum exposed working time accepted by the miners under several hot and humi d conditions was analyzed and determined. The study results showed that under the environment condition that the temperature is below 28°C and the relative humidity is n ot over 90%,the maximum exposed working time accepted by the miners could be effectively increased with the air velocity speeded up in underground mine. When the air velocity is over 2 m 1 s in underground mine,variation degree of the maximum exposed working time accepted by the miners would be small.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    high temperature and high humidity mines; heat strain evaluation; thermal insulation of mine uniform; evaporative resistance of mine uniform; predicted h eat strain model;

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
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