• 全部
  • Title

    Study on key water isolated layer of Fengfeng Formation affected to pressurized mining in seam of low group

  • 作者


  • Author

    Li Bo

  • 单位


  • Organization
    Shanxi Provincial No.3 Geological Engineering and Surveying Institute
  • 摘要
    为评价奥陶系岩溶水高水压下煤层突水危险性,寻求下组煤开采技术方案,在斜沟煤矿共施工10个水文地质钻孔,通过岩心鉴定、简易水文地质观测、抽水试验、水化学分析等试验进行了研究。研究表明:斜沟煤矿峰峰组上部地层裂隙发育程度差,钻探过程中钻井消耗液无增大异常情况,峰峰组单位涌水量较上马家沟组、峰峰组混合含水层单位涌水量低10~105倍,两者地下水化学成分不同,可说明斜沟煤矿峰峰组含水层富水性弱并且具有较好的阻水能力,可将30 m厚度的峰峰组地层视为隔水层,井田13号煤层带压开采突水系数小于0.1 MPa/m,理论上可以施行带压开采。
  • Abstract
    In order to evaluate a water inrush danger of seam under high water head pressure of Ordovician karst water and to seek mining technical pan of the seam i n the low group,there were 10 hydrogeological holes driled in Xiegou Mine and a study was conducted on the rock core identification,simple hydrogeological observation,w ater pumping tests,water chemical analysis and other test. The study showed that the crack development of the top stratum in Fengfeng Formation of Xiegou Mine was poo r. During the drilling and exploration process,there was no high increasing abnormal conditions occurred in the drilling consumable liquid. The unit water inrush volume fro m Fengfeng Formation was 10 ~ 105 times lower than the unit water inrush volume from the combined water bearing layer of Majiagou Formation and Fengfeng Formation. The chemical compositions of the underground water from the two formations were different and could showed that the aquifer in Fengfeng Formation would be less watery and could have good water resistance capacity. The stratum thickness of Fengfeng Formation with a thickness of 30 meters would be considered as a water insulation laye r. A pressurized mining in No. 13 seam of the minefield would have a water inrush cofficient less than0. 1 MPa / m and a pressurized mining could be conducted theoretically.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    Fengfeng Formation; water isolated layer; karst crack; pressurized mining;


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