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  • Title

    Study on Fully-Mechanized Caving Technique Parameters in Contiguous Seams and Lower Thick Seam by Simultaneous Mining

  • 作者


  • Author

    LU Yan DUAN Xian-jun WANG xiao

  • 单位


  • Organization
    School of Mines, China University of Mining & Technology Key Laboratory of Deep Coal Resource Mining Ministry
    of Education of China Quandian Coal Mine Henan Shenhuo Group Corporation Limited
  • 摘要
    为了提高近距离煤层同采下位厚煤层综放开采的顶煤采出率,在分析泉店煤矿地质条件基础上,采用PFC数值模拟软件优化分析了顶煤的放煤参数,确定采用0.6 m的放煤步距,上行放煤工艺方式。放煤实测结果表明:单架平均放煤时间为84 s;顶煤的破碎块度在10 cm以下,直接顶破碎块度在30 cm以下;放煤后未见矸石的放煤口占10.3%,矸石比例60%以下的放煤口占86.9%;综放工作面的平均采出率约80.41%,最高采出率为84.3%。
  • Abstract
    In order to improve the top coal recovery rate of contiguous seams and lower thick seam by simultaneous mining, based on analyzing geological conditio n of Quandian Coal Mine, the paper used PFC simulation software to analyse the parameters of top coal caving, and determined the drawing interval was 0.6 m, and u sed uplink coal caving technique. The coal caving effect was measured, and observations results showed that average caving time of every support was 84 s, the size 0 f the broken top coal was under 10 cm, the size of the broken immediate roof was under 30 cm. After top coal caving, 10. 3% of the caving mouth didnDt find gangue, a nd 86. 9% of the caving mouth controlled the proportion of gangue under 60%, average recovery rate of the working face was 80. 41%, and the highest mining rate was 84.3%.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    contiguous thick seam; fully-mechanized caving mining; coal caving technique; proportion of coal and gangue;

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
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