• 全部
  • Title

    Design and Application of Gangue Vertical Feeding System for Mine Fill Mining

  • 作者


  • Author

    TONG Qiang CHE Yu-long

  • 单位


  • Organization
    Shandong Energy Xinwen Mining Group Co., Ltd. School of Mechanics and Civil Engineering, China University of
    Mining & Technology (Beiing)
  • 摘要
    为解决地面沉降以及矸石环境污染问题,通过对投料井、储料仓、缓冲装置及满仓报警系统等进行研究,建立了矿井充填开采地面矸石垂直投料系统,并将其应用到实际充填开采工程中。现场应用表明:当投料管内径为486 mm,储料仓的直径为5 m,高度为15 m时,能够满足充填开采工作面1个循环的矸石用量;伞形缓冲器可以有效地减小充填矸石对储料仓的冲击,该系统建成后,每天实际充填矸石量达2 000 t。充填开采既解决了矸石地面堆放带来的环境污染问题,矸石回填又有效控制了地面沉降,实现了矿山和生态的和谐发展。
  • Abstract
    In order to solve problems of the land subsidence and the environmental pollution of gangue, the ground gangue vertical feeding system was established by the feeding well, material storehouse, buffer device, and alarm system of whole warehouse and so on, and then applied it into practical engineering.The field test res ults showed that it could well meet the amount of flling gangue of a working face in one cycle when the inner diameter of feeding tube was 486 mm, diameter of the mat erial storehouse was 5 m, and the height was 15 m.It could effectively reduce the impact of flling gangue to material storehouse by using umbrella buffer.The actual dai ly flling gangue reached at2 000 tons.The system solved the problem of environmental pollution resulting from gangue on the ground, and controlled the land subsidenc e effectively, which realized the harmonious development of the mine and ecology.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    fill mining; feeding well; material storehouse; buffer device;

  • 基金项目(Foundation)

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