• 全部
  • Title

    Determination on Range of Stress-relaxed Area in Goaf of Low Permeability Single Coal Seam

  • 作者


  • Author

    ZHANG Ming-jie FU Shuai TAN Zhi-hong

  • 单位


  • Organization
    School of Safety Science and Engineering, Henan Polytechnic University Henan Provincial Key Laboratory of Gas
    Geology and Gas Control- State Key Laboratory Education Base Co sponsored by Province and Ministry
  • 摘要
    针对单一低透气性煤层具有瓦斯预抽难度大、防突效果差等特点,为准确确定卸压带范围,实现单一低透气性煤层卸压带内的快速掘进,以古汉山矿为例,采用多种方法综合考察法来考察卸压带范围。结果表明:通过测定其邻近采空区煤层内残存瓦斯含量、压力并结合数值模拟,综合确定该矿井有效防突卸压带范围为8 m,在该范围内,瓦斯涌出初速度、钻屑量和钻屑瓦斯解吸指标均小于临界值,说明卸压带内无突出危险性,可实现在单一低透气性煤层卸压带的安全快速掘进。
  • Abstract
    According to the features of difficult gas pre-drainage and inefficient outbursts control in a low permeability single coal seam, in order to accurately deter mine the stress-relaxed area and realize fast driving in the stress-relaxed area of low permeability single coal seam, taking Guhanshan Coal Mine as an example, this p aper used many methods to determine the stress-relaxed area.The results showed that according to the determination of residual gas content and pressure in the coal s eam of adjacent goaf, in combination with numerical simulation, the range of the stress-relaxed area without outburst danger was 8 m, and in the stress-relaxed area, g as emission initial speed and value of drilling cuttings weight as well as desorption index for drilling cuttings were all below the critical value, which ilustrated the stress -relaxed area had no outburst danger, the fast and safe driving could be realized in the stress-relaxed area of low permeability single coal seam.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    coal and gas outburst; residual gas content; residual gas pressure; stress-relaxed area;


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