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  • Title

    Study on Pre-Drainage Seam Gas Technology with Borehole Drilled Along Seam in Outburst Mine

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  • 摘要
    选用新安煤矿17号煤层111706工作面作为本煤层顺层钻孔预抽瓦斯技术试验区,研究了17号煤层合理的预抽瓦斯技术参数值。结果表明:采用交叉布孔法的瓦斯预抽量可提高40%,94 mm大直径钻孔瓦斯预抽采量比直径65 mm钻孔提高34%;钻场内钻孔抽采瓦斯浓度比巷道钻孔抽采瓦斯浓度高将近1倍,封孔深度应不小于5 m。建议施工双向抽采钻孔来覆盖全工作面,掘进工作面钻孔深度控制在100 m内。
  • Abstract
    No.111706 coal mining face in No.17 seam of Xin'an Mine was selected as a trial zone of the gas pre-drainage technology with the boreholes drilled alon g the mining seam.The rational parameter values of the gas pre-drainage technology for No. 17 seam were studied.The results showed that with the borehole cross layo ut method,the gas pre-drainage value could be improved by 40% and the gas pre-drainage value with the 94 mm large diameter boreholes would be 34% higher than th e gas pre-drainage value with the 65 mm diameter boreholes.The borehole gas drainage concentration within the borehole drilling site would be one time higher than th e borehole gas drainage concentration in the gateway,the borehole sealing depth should not be less than 5 m.The paper proposed that two directional gas drainage bor eholes should be drilled to cover the whole coal mining face and the borehole depth in the gateway driving face should be controlled within 100 m.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    borehole drilled along seam;coal and gas outburst;gas pre-drainage;drainage borehole;

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