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  • Title

    Study on Similar Material Simulation on Upward Mining in Contiguous Seams Group

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  • 摘要
    基于某矿上行开采的要求,为获得下组煤开采后覆岩破坏高度及裂隙带发育高度,进而研究特定地质条件下近距离煤层群上行开采的可行性,采用物理试验的方法对下组煤开采后覆岩的破坏高度及裂隙带发育高度进行了模拟研究,并分析了受采动影响的顶板矿压显现规律、覆岩破坏特征、围岩应力场及位移场的变化规律。结果表明:覆岩破坏高度约为18.4 m,裂隙带发育高度约为49.3m,上组煤处于下组煤裂隙带的中上部。因而,以上覆岩层"三带"判别法为依据,初步判定采取一定安全措施后该矿上行开采方案可行。
  • Abstract
    Based on the requirements of the upward mining in a mine, in order to obtain a failure height of the overburden strata and the development height of the crack zone after the coal miming in the seam group and thus to study the feasibility of the upward mining in contiguous seams group under the special geological condit ions, a physical test method was applied to the simulation study on the failure height of the overburden strata and the development height of the crack zone after the Co al mining in the seam of the below seam group and to analyze the mine roof strata pressure behavior law affected by the miming operations, the failure features of the 0 verburden strata and the variation law of the surrounding rock stress field and displacement field.The results showed that the failure height of the overburden was about 18.4 m, the development height of the crack zone was about 49.3 m and the top seam group was at the middle and top section of the crack zone in the low seam group. Therefore, based on three zone judgment method as the basis, with the certain safety measures conducted, the upward mining plan in the mine would be feasible with t he preliminary judgment.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    contiguous seams group;upward miming;similar material simulation;failure features of overburden strata;


主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会

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