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  • Title

    Experiment Study on Particle Distribution Law of Seam Drilling Cuttings

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  • 摘要
    为研究煤层钻屑粒度的统计分布特征,选取深凹煤矿和何兴煤矿粒径为1~3 mm的钻屑为试验煤样,对不同质量的煤样进行扫描成像,基于MATLAB软件进行数字图像处理,获得其相应煤粒的粒度,并对煤粒的粒度统计分布进行分析。结果表明:在粒径1~3 mm范围内的煤粒粒度统计分布为一种偏态分布,经对数处理后服从威布尔分布;通过对不同质量煤样期望值和方差计算对比可知,煤样的质量在15 g以上时煤样统计粒径趋于稳定,并且稳定在1.75 mm左右。因此,选取15 g以上的煤样进行钻屑瓦斯解吸指标测量,其结果更具有代表性。
  • Abstract
    In order to study the statistic distribution features of the seam dilling cutting particles, the dilling cuttings with particle diameters of 1-3 mm from She nDao Mine and Hexing Mine were collected as the test coal samples, a scanning and imaging was conducted on the different quality coal samples.Based on the MATLA B software, a digital image processing was conducted, the size of the related coal particles was obtained and the analysis was conducted on the size statistic distributio n of the coal particles. The results showed that within the 1-3 mm particle size range, the coal particle size statistic distribution was a skewed distribution and would sub mit to the Weibull distribution after a logarithmic processing.The comparison between the expected value of different quality coal samples and variance calculation show ed that when the quantity of the coal sample was over 15 g, the statistic particle size would be stable and would stabilize around 1.75 mm.Therefore, the coal sample 0 ver 15 g selected for the gas desorption index of drilling cutting was applied to the desorption measurement and the results would be more representative.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    drilling cutting;gas desorption;particle distribution;gas desorption index of drilling cuting;Weibull distribution;

  • 基金项目(Foundation)

主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会

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