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  • Title

    Mining Subsidence Affected to Soil Volume Weight and Water Infiltration Law of Different Vegetation Type

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  • 摘要
    为研究采煤沉陷对土壤水资源的影响,针对神东补连塔矿区3种主要植物(沙柳、沙蒿、杨树)群落类型,通过野外调查、实地试验和室内测试,研究了采前、采中、采后及稳定期土壤容重的变化规律及稳定期不同植被类型水分入渗特征。结果表明,随着开采的进行,不同土层之间土壤容重的差异减小,土壤容重分层现象减弱;不同植被覆盖条件下土壤容重在不同时期表现出一定的差异性,开采期间,3种不同植被类型表层土壤容重均减小;在采煤沉陷稳定期,沙柳、沙蒿0~100 cm土层平均土壤容重增大,而杨树则减小。开采后不同植被覆盖条件下稳定入渗率从大到小表现为杨树、沙蒿、沙柳,且与土壤容重有一定相关性。
  • Abstract
    In order to study the mining subsidence affected to the soil water resources,according to the three major vegetation types(salix psammophila,artemisia s ongarica schrenk、poplar )in Shendong Bulianta Mine,with the field investigation,site tests and indoor tests,the variation law of the soil volume-weight before coal minin g,during mining and after mining as well as during the stable period and water infiltration features of the different vegetation type during the stable period were studied. The results showed with the mining operation forward,the difference of the soil volume-weight between the different soil layers would be reduced and the bedding phen omenon of the soil volume-weight would be weakened.Under the different vegetation covered condition,the soil volume-weight would have a certain difference in the diff erent period.During mining,the volume-weight of the three different vegetation type surface soils would be reduced in average.During the stable period,the average soil volume-weight of the land with salix psammophila and artemisia songarica schrenk with deep of 0100 cm would be increased and the average soil volume-weight of the land with poplar would be decreased.Under the different vegetation covered condition,the stable infiltration rate after mining from high to low would be poplar,salix psam mophila,artemisia songarica schrenk and would have a certain relative with volume-weight.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    mining subsidence;vegetation type;windy desert area;soil volume-weight;soil water infiltration;

  • 基金项目(Foundation)

主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会

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