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  • Title

    Study on Mine Strata Pressure Law of Fully Mechanized High Cutting Coal Mining Face Under Thick Unconsolidated Overburden Strata

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  • 摘要
    为研究石炭-二叠纪煤系厚松散层覆岩下煤层开采时工作面矿压规律和支架选型的合理性,采用YHY60(B)矿用本安型数字压力计对磁窑沟矿首采10101工作面支架工作阻力进行实测分析,结果表明:工作面初次来压步距为56.5 m,平均周期来压步距11.1 m;工作面初次来压和周期来压动载系数分别为1.33和1.23,周期来压动压较明显;来压期间支架载荷沿工作面呈中部大、两端小的特征。采用砌体梁理论计算和实测统计分析2种方法,计算出10101工作面所需支架合理工作阻力分别为7 346、7 057 kN,应用表明ZY8000/24/50D型液压支架适应性良好。
  • Abstract
    In order to study the mine strata pressure law and the powered support selection rationality when the mining was in a seam of Carboniferous-Permian C oal Series with thick unconsolidated overburden strata, a YHY60 (B) mine intrinsic safe digital pressure gage was applied to the site measurement on the working resist ances of the powered supports in No.10101 coal mining face in Ciyaogou Mine.The results showed the initial roof weighting distance of the coal mining face was 56.5 m, the dynamic coefficients of the initial roof weighting and the periodical roof weighting in the coal mining face were 1 .33 and 1.23 individually and dynamic pressure of the periodic roof weighting was obvious.During the roof weighting period, the loading on the powered support along the coal mining face would be high in the middle of t he coal mining face and be low at the two ends of the coal mining face.The rock lined beam theoretical calculation and the site measured statistic were applied to calcul ate the rational working resistances with 7 346 kN and 7 057 kN individually of the powered supports required for No.10101 coal mining face.The results showed that Z Y8000/24/50D mode powered support was good in suitability.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    thick unconsolidated overburden strata;high cutting height;mine strata pressure law;rock lined beam theory;

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