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  • Title

    Study on Gas Control Technology and Protect Scope of Lower Protective Seam Mining

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  • 摘要
    针对金佳矿中煤组瓦斯含量大,煤层具有突出危险性,采用下行式开采,瓦斯治理效果差,推进难度大等问题,通过理论分析、数值模拟、现场实测等方法就中煤组首采煤层的选择、保护层工作面瓦斯治理及保护范围等方面进行研究。结果表明,中煤组22号煤层最适合作为保护层,开采后对中煤组主采煤层保护效果好,沿倾向的保护范围卸压角δ1和δ2分别为54°和82°,沿走向的保护范围卸压角δ5为53°;保护层开采过程中,采取瓦斯抽采措施,平均抽采瓦斯量72.9 m3/min,工作面瓦斯抽采率达84.3%~91.6%,回风巷平均瓦斯体积分数为0.25%,瓦斯治理效果显著。
  • Abstract
    The gas content of Jinjia Mine mid-coal group was great, and there was outburst risk in the coal seam, gas control effect was worse and it was hard for a dvancing of the face while downward mining.ln order to smooth recovery the coal group, the paper carried out related research through theoretical analysis, numerical s imulation and field measurement methods on the choice of first coal group, gas control and investigation of the protective layer face.The study showed that it was best t 0 take No.22 coal seam as the protective layer, the protective effect to the main coal seam was well.The scope of protection angle in inclined direction 01 and 62 was 5 4° and 82°,protection angle in strike direction 85 was 53° .During protective seam mining process, the average gas drainage quantity was 72.9 m3/min, the gas drainag e rate of working face reached to 84.3%91 .6%,the average gas concentration of the return air lane was 0.25%,gas control effect was remarkable.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    contiguous seam group;underlying protective seam;gas control;gas drainage;protect scope;

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
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