Study on Radial Swelling and Permeation Borehole Sealing Technology of Gas Drainage Borehole
YANGLei ZHU Yu-chen LI Y_jing SONG Guo-zheng
School of Safety Engineering, China University of Mining and Technology School of Mining Engineering, Inner
Mongolia University of Science and Technology
针对本煤层瓦斯抽采钻孔漏风严重、抽采浓度低和有效抽采周期短的技术难题,分析了煤层瓦斯抽采钻孔的漏风机理和封孔关键技术,提出煤层瓦斯抽采钻孔径向膨胀渗透封孔技术,阐述了该技术封堵钻孔周边裂隙带的技术原理。最后结合实例确定了某矿2210工作面煤层瓦斯抽采钻孔的合理封孔深度为16 m,试验表明采用径向膨胀渗透封孔技术后,钻孔瓦斯抽采体积分数提高21%~32%,平均抽采流量提高0.016 m3/min,可延长抽采期1~2个月,既保证瓦斯抽采的安全、高效进行,又避免了封孔材料的浪费和抽采盲区的形成。
According to the serious air leakage of the gas drainage borehole in the mining seam, low drained gas content and short effective gas drainage period, t
his paper analyzed the air leakage mechanism and key technology of borehole sealing of the gas drainage boreholes in the mining seam, provided the radial swelling a
nd permeation sealing technology of the gas drainage borehole in the mining seam and stated the technical principle of the technology to seal the borehole with crack Z
one around the borehole. Finally, combination with the cases, a rational borehole sealing depth of the gas drainage borehole for No. 2210 coal mining face in a mine wa
s determined as 16 m. The experiment showed that with the application of the radial swelling and permeation sealing technology, the fraction of the gas drainage volum
e was increased by 21% ~ 32%, the average gas drainage flow was increased by 0.016 m3/ min and the gas drainage period could be extended by 1 ~ 2 months. Thu
s a safety and high efficient gas drainage could be ensured and the waste of the sealing material and the formation of the gas drainage blind zone could be avoided.
air leakage crack; gas drainage; radial swelling and permeation; borehole sealing technology;