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  • Title

    Experiment Study on the Safety of Polymer Grouting Reinforcement Materials Applied in Coal Mine

  • 作者


  • Author

    WU Huai-guo

  • 单位


  • Organization
    China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research Beiing Ruinuoanke New Energy Technology Co.,
  • 摘要
    为得出高分子注浆加固材料在煤矿井下应用中发生冒烟或着火事故的原因,进行了聚氨酯注浆加固材料大体积注浆试验,测试注浆加固材料内部反应温度和表面温度,观察注浆加固材料固化后的内部特征。结果表明:含水量1%的注浆加固材料大体积注浆试验时,其内部反应温度均远大于按照AQ 1089—2011标准要求的试验室测试温度140℃,甚至某些产品反应温度达340℃以上,注浆材料发生自燃。而在相同条件下纯聚氨酯注浆加固材料最高反应温度为165℃左右;硅酸盐改性聚氨酯注浆加固材料为102℃。说明纯聚氨酯注浆加固材料和硅酸盐改性聚氨酯注浆加固材料能够较好地避免应用中发生冒烟或着火事故。
  • Abstract
    In order to obtaion the reasons for polyurethane grouting reinforcement materials burning problems applied in underground coal mine, this paper carried on large volume grouting experiment with polyurethane grouting reinforcement materials, to test that inner side maximum reaction temperature and to analysis the inner side features after reaction. The experiment results showed that the inner side maximum reaction temperature in the large volume grouting model were much higher tha n the lab testing maximum reaction temperature according to the AQ 1089- -2011 standard tested maximum temperature about 140 °C when adding 1% water into the p olyurethane grouting reinforcement materials. Some products maximum reaction temperature even reached over 340 °C resulting that coal spontaneous combustion.Wh ereas in the same case, the maximum reaction temperature of pure-polyurethane grouting reinforcement materials was about 165。Cwithout any spontaneous combustio n signs and sodium silicate modified polyurethane grouting reinforcement materials was only no less than102。C. All results indicated that pure-polyurethane grouting re inforcement materials and sodium silicate modified polyurethane grouting reinforcement materials grouted in the coal mine should be safety without any burning proble ms.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    grouting reinforcement materials; large volume grouting experiment; reaction temperature; coal spontaneous combustion;

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