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NIVA follows the general rules forcapitalizing words in document titles set out in The Chicago Manual of Style (with one minor exception—see the note in rule 3):


1. Alwayscapitalize the first and the last word.标题首末的两个单词必须大写

2. Capitalize allnouns, pronouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs, and subordinate   conjunctions ("as", "because", "although"). 所有的名词、代词、形容词、动词、副词和从属连词(as, because, although)必须大写。

3. Lowercaseall articles, coordinate conjunctions ("and", "or", "nor"), and prepositions regardless of length, when they are otherthan the first or last word. 

Note: NIVA prefers to capitalize prepositions offive characters or more ("after", "among", "between").  所有的文献名、并列名词、介词(不论长短)在不违反第一条规则的情况下都必须小写。

4. Lowercase the"to" in an infinitive.不定时中的to要小写。(补充:尼瓦更倾向于对由超过4个字母组成的介词采用大写形式,例如after, along, between)

Most Common Mistakes


Most writers are familiar with these general rules. Butsome have difficulty identifying the various parts of speech, while others haveinternalized incorrect "rules" taught in elementary school. Theseindividuals are therefore prone to making mistakes when capitalizing or lower casingwords in titles. The most common mistakes are presented below. 大多数书写者对于这些规则是熟悉的。但有的人存在着识别句子成分的困难;有的人深受小学时错误的引导。因而这些人在标题单词大写小写的问题上容易出错。以下是一些最常见的错误。

Two-Letter Words

Some writers lowercase all two-letter words, probably byextrapolation from the short prepositions "of", "to", "up", and so on, and the word "to" in infinitives. But if atwo-letter word is acting as a noun, pronoun, adjective, or adverb, it must becapitalized. For example:

Go Tell it onthe Mountain

(wrong; "it" is a pronoun <代词> and should be capitalized <大写>)

When is a Spade aSpade?

(wrong; "is" is a verb <动词> and shouldbe capitalized <大写>)

Multipurpose Words

Some writerslowercase words that can function as prepositions when those words arecurrently functioning in other capacities. For example:

The Man in theMoon Owns a Yellow Balloon

(correct; "in" is functioning as a preposition <介词> and should be lowercased <小写>)

Bringing in the Sheaves

(wrong; "in" is functioning as an adverb <副词> and should be capitalized <大写>)

Phrasal Verbs

Some writersfind it hard to decide how to capitalize a title containing a phrasal verb. Phrasal verbs are verbs whose meaning is completed by a word called a particle(小品词,短语动词中的介词或副词). For example, the verb "to give" has a different meaning than the phrasal verb "to give up".

Like other multipurpose words, words functioning asparticles must be distinguished from the same words functioning asprepositions. Particles are always capitalized because they form part of theverb. For example:

My Travels up Nova Scotia's South Shore

(correct; "up" is functioning as a preposition <介词> and should be lowercased<小写>)

Setting up Your Computer

(wrong; "up" is functioning as a particle <小品词> and should be capitalized<大写>)

Mistaken Notions (误区)

Grammar justdoesn't sink naturally into everyone's head. To some writers, the fact that oneword resembles another is enough reason to treat those words equally when itcomes to capitalization in a title. For example:

The Time of their Lives

(wrong; "their" is an adjective <形容词> and should be capitalized <大写>—the writer probably extrapolated from"the")






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